20190508 Board Meeting
Agenda of the Board Meeting
Date: Wednesday, May 8th, 18.30-19.30pm
Place: Hackuarium, Route de Crochy 20, CH-1024 Écublens, VD
- Rachel
- Joël
- Esther
- Christelle B (awaiting biolum!)
- Masoud
- Yann
- Anne-Laure
- Olivier
Welcome (Rachel as President, 1 min)
- Public minutes
Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)
Point 1: Lab Logistics, Planning
(Rachel, 5 min)
- Visit of Lab by Bern representative, morning of 6 June
Who can help for this? Masoud and Esther will look into some new shelves this weekend! Cleaning, Inventory etc. 15may first round of inventory!
- Key Cards (have some for distribution - 50chf per card, 25 deposit for reimb upon return, 15 for coop, 10 for us)
- Controlled Access to BioLab (sorted! key accessible with code from locked box outside door for trained users)
- Projects and Space
- (Rack!?, Biolum, more??)
- Mural Project
who is interested to contribute to this? Needs:
artistic inspiration for official 'enseigne'
commune approval
paint/brushes/ladder/tape (grid for enlarging original design
you!? The call is Open for your input!!
voici une idée!
Proposal for decision and/or volunteers to help
- Esther and Friends! Vanessa wants open call and 100chf matos
Vote result and/or next steps agreed upon
- yes for Open Call and budget - calling for designs to determine accord of coop
Point 2: Treasurer's Report
(Masoud, 10 min)
- status of member abonnements and old debts (i.e Nebuleuse, SwissMotionTech, LemanMake)
None have yet been sent... We will do this tonight! We decided also, to let go the workshop fees from LemanMake, as they did not make as much as they hoped - (about 250chf was due for the foldscope workshops, but whatever...)
- old debts and requirement for invoices for cotisations in general.
we need to decide about reminders and payments or lack of payments!
- status for facturation system??
Rachel will ask Raffael which we use for Space Alliance. (? can we piggy back on that??)
- if just one big invoice per year, maybe not soo bad?
Proposal for decision and/or help needed
- will decide between 3 systems, cogitos, odoo, or raffael's pref.
Vote result and/or next steps agreed upon
- Masoud has our confidence to get it together, after RA finds out from Raffael ours for coop
(before next meeting, we hope all is set)
Point 3: Events ahead
Rapport de Joël sur communication avec USL (Anne-Claude Stüder), bibliotech (Isabelle Hirschi) - potentiellement super!
Is trying also for the guy (M Nicod) about the Semaine de la Santé (end of october)
Need to point lab warming info towards newsletter, not website!
- Pendaison de crémaillère: Me 12 juin 2019 DÈS 18h, envoyer annonce avant le 3 mai pour parution journal Ecublens le 3 juin.
Planning for the evening:
project demos: living instruments, foldscopes?
easy gallium modelling? Maurice chemistry demos (tornado and?) .
how to organise, to have sign ups or wandering people
(10min each demo and moving around)?? (official notice!?)
- Micronuclei workshop: samedi 18mai 2019 14h-17h
- Information Urban Gardens Round 2: #Open Hackuarium, 22mai
- Octobre : Grosse fête des 5 ans (info 30 août à journal locale pour parution 1 oct). date: 5 octobre
Point 4: Fund Raising
- grant apps
- T-shirts/Totebags (only a few of each left, as 3t-shirt and one tote were sold last Saturday, during the OpenFoodRepo DNA event)
- ateliers à choix
- other? services?? activities for groups???
Who is ready to commit to help and write? (for instance, for funding for the 5 year party, 5oct19, so we have a budget to invite biohackers to run ateliers!) Luc suggests Stiftung Mercateur...
Point 5: Unfinished business
Things that will be taken care of before/after the meeting...
Aka the things we just need updates on, i.e. if it has been (self-)assigned to someone, documented here, and a deadline set up and shared if needed.
The PV for the General Assembly with new Board Members...
The question of whether our Association can be considered to have 'utility public'
The Urban Garden project with Pea Plant Symbiosis - wiki pages need updates
The Bioluminescence project - wiki page in progress
Other Business
- Wiki account spamming problem!
Masoud has seen hundreds of new accounts! Rachel asked Yann to look into it. Any controls possible??
- OpenHackuarium Events - with 5 years approaching, and the big break with the move, should we drop the numbers officially?
Vote yes, forget the numbers! (à la unanimité!) on va arriver à 5ans!
- Wiki Hackathon!! when??
Vote all agree, try for last weds of each month. 29mai et 26juin
- Récurrence prochains Board Meetings - d'ordinaire le 2e mercredi de chaque mois - excepte pour la réunion prochaine, le 5 juin, 18h30-19h30, pour préparer pour la pendaison de crémaillère le 12 juin.