20180307 OH192

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Agenda of the General Assembly

Date: Mercredi 7 mars 2018, 19h30-21h30
Date: Wednesday, March 7th 2018, 19.30-21.30

Lieu: 3ème étage, Ateliers de Renens, Chemin du Closel 5, 1020 renens
Place: 3rd floor, Ateliers de Renens, Chemin du Closel 5, 1020 Renens

Pour rappel, les status de l'association Hackuarium sont disponibles ici.
As a reminder, the status of the Hackuarium association can be found here (in French only).

Note: Cette assemblée générale sera tenue principalement en français si la majorité des membres présents n'y voit pas d'inconvénient. Tout membre est libre de parler dans sa langue de prédilection, sachant que la majorité parle français et anglais. La documentation ci-dessous est en anglais pour permettre aux participants qui ne parleraient pas le français de prendre connaissance des sujet. Si vous ne parlez pas l'anglais, n'hésitez-pas à demander une traduction de cet agenda au comité de l'association. Nous nous efforceront de répondre aux requêtes, dans la mesure de nos moyens.

Notice: This General Assembly will be mostly held in French, as long as the majority of members feels comfortable with it. If you do not speak any French, the following document contains all points at the agenda. If you have any question, please contact the committee.



  • Vanessa and Rachel as co-presidents


  • Vanessa Lorenzo
  • Rachel Aranoff
  • Luc Henry
  • (you?)
  • ...



Welcome address

(Vanessa and Rachel, 2 min)

Summary of the past year's activities

(Vanessa and Rachel, 20 min)

Approval of Financial Statement + Board Discharge

(Vanessa, 5min)

Financial statement

(Luc, 10 min)

Les auditeurs aux comptes élus lors de l'AG de février 2017, Anne-Laure Pittet et Yann Heurtaux, attestent avoir vérifié les comptes et justificatifs pour 2017 fournis par Luc en sa qualité de trésorier par intérim. Ils ont été trouvés de bonne foi, et tenus dans le respect des meilleurs intérêts de l'association.

Label In Out Total
Solde du compte (31.12.2016) 5293.95
Cotisations 2017 5760.00
Dons 2017 60.00
Cartes 2017 250.00
Projets 2017 13986.48
Crowdfunding 21636.00
Total In 46986.43
Dépenses projets   8585.83
Minigrants   997.42
Evénements   2475.74
Matériel et consommables   1853.26
Infrastructures   766.25
Website   0
Frais divers   100.00
Frais bancaires   48.00
Total Out   14826.50
Exercice 2017   32159.93

Board Discharge

The composition of the board since the last general assembly (February 2017) was as follows:

Yann Pierson and Yann Heurtaux wrote to the board (on XX.XX.XX and 23.01.2018 respectively) to announced their desire to leave their responsibility at the board immediately. They are also officially discharged now.

General updates

Status of labos: 'hacker' space and P1

Gustavo (15 min)

Proposition Acess Hackuarium

We seek a guaranteed access for our Hackuarium members all year round and we will take the opportunity on our GA to give one proposal to vote with all our members that will be present in the annual meeting.
As Hackuarium, we have been supporting the Makerspace and we want to keep it doing it. However we understand that now there is another situation on the table and, in order to find a common ground to grant our member to have access and contribute to your community, I would like you to help me clearify these points:

  • Previos status:

All Hackaurium members had full access to the workshop since 2014, then in 2015 was restricted to wednesdays evenings and friday all day. Now the situation is unclear. We would like to go back to the precious status. How can Hackuarium contribute to make this happen? We are currently 3-5 people using the Makerspace punctually, and we consider that we have contributed further, transcending our condition of "users" to active agents for the "community making". How is this gonna change with the current situation?

  • Option A

How can we contribute to Made@UC or to the Association of Users of Made@UC ?

  • Option B

We contribute to Made@UC 20% (one day per week) and we have granted access to MAde@UC
How to articulate it

  • Option C

Hackuarium contributes with 3-5 memberships at association price (600CHF) and we have full access to Made@UC. The result of this discussion will be announced and ideally prepared to discuss and vote in our next AG Wednesday 7 Mars. In case we don't agree on a common proposal, we will postponed it to an eventual future Extraordinary Assembly (to decide).

Status of les Ateliers de Renens

? invited speaker - Marc (10 min)

Update Association






all member discussion (15 min)

Update Projects

Any project that wish to present an update should do so at this point. (opportunity for team formation?)

Living Instruments

(Luc, 5 min)

The piece was performed at three locations in 2017.

  • 3 April 2017: OTO Project - Instruments exhibition and workshop
  • 4 April 2017: Concert - Kammer Klang series, Cafe OTO, London, UK
  • 20-21 May 2017: Exhibition and performance during the Nuit des Musées - Centre Dürrenmatt, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
  • 8 September 2017: Concert - Klang Moor Schopfe Festival, Gaïs, Switzerland

We also presented the project to the Octanis association at EPFL on 5 December 2017.


(Luc, 5 min)

The project was initiated in 2014 by Gianpaolo Rando as an iteration of the Open Food DNA project.

The scientific results of the project were published in a peer-reviewed journal article in October 2017. This article is entitled "BeerDeCoded: the open beer metagenome project" and is available open access on the F1000 research website.

AGiR! for Genomic integrity

The intern, Anna Dussuet, helped over 8 weeks during last summer, also for the move and the Montreux Clean Beach project, especially trying to get the comet assay to work with 'kitchen ingredients' and without fluorescence. Both efforts are still quite a challenge, but some project was made!
Open sourcing DNA damage detection workshops were held already in Brussels and London, and the donors will get their special edition 17march.
A new workshop is being advertised now. Please spread the word! Tickets are 2for1 to 'do it together'!

New members and onboarding

  • How to join?
- write to hello@hackuarium.ch 
- read this page about joining
- fill in form from website
- pay monthly fee (20 CHF per month)
- ask for a card
  • New members?

Anyone willing to join now? Go talk to Vanessa Lorenzo and Rachel Aronoff

Election: Board

(Vanessa, 15 min)


All board member positions are up for election. Please contact any of the current board members if you would like to be a candidate.
Toutes les positions sont à repourvoir. Veuillez vous annoncer auprès d'un membre du comité si vous désirez être sur la liste des candidats.

The roles of committee members are distributed at the | next board meeting and subsequently communicated by email to all members.
Les rôles des members du comité seront distribués à la | prochaine réunion du comité et communiqués par email à tous les membres.


WHY: I would like to continue helping the association with the organisation of the logistics (as the Secretary and Treasurer) until the end of July 2018. I already announce that I will stay a member but will not take any responsibility anymore from August 1st 2018. I believe it is time for the association to renew its board and find other candidates who can take responsibility for its existence.

Board member / Lab manager

Board member / co-pres

Auditeurs comptes

Closing remarks

Next events

Open Discussion

Other topics of discussion outside the scope of the general assembly