P1 Biosec2

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Travailler en toute sécurité dans le laboratoire P1 / Working safely in the P1 lab

Cette page rassemble des informations sur l'utilisation sûre des organismes génétiquement modifiés (OGM) dans le laboratoire P1 du Hackuarium.

This is a page to pull together more information about safe use of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the Hackuarium P1 laboratory.


The P1 laboratory is a part of Hackuarium with controlled access for trained users who might want to work with genetically modified organisms.

Contexte et inspiration / Background & Inspiration

DIYBio and DIT Research in Community Laboratories

le code éthique, en FR

Following the code is key. see to right.


Safety is primordial, for both kinds of biosecurity!

A certain community lab biosafety manual in Pubpub is great...

(However, it is not accessible for the easy translations. One needs to use small segments of the parts most of interest for you - and DeepL is good to try, too...)

Pages du Wiki Hackuarium autour du travail P1 / Existing Hackuarium Wiki pages around the P1 work

At least three big pages, plus, have contributed to P1 developments in this community lab.

This was our most recent wiki page around our P1 lab activities, from during our time in Ecublens since 2019... It is meant to be bilingual, but has only a few sections done, to date. Of course, any help is warmly welcomed.

This page dates from our initial times in the Ecublens cooperative space, but also includes a recent perspective.

Because of this, it really seemed a good idea, to have a new page (here) gathering all this info from the start.

Voici en FR traduit par google.

This page started it all off, with Sam and YannP putting details together for prototyping 'Standard Operating Procedures' of an initial test P1 space in Renens. It even includes basic information for accident responses.

Voici le même traduite par google en FR.

Then came the page that continued the story, for making an official P1 at the lab in Renens, and carried over into the space in Ecublens, even with recent edits, but full of many details that led to current work. Nonetheless, the current configuration of our P1 is included early in this page, Pushing the P1.

Voici le traduction par google, en FR, pour ce page,

This was the page with the first new SOPs including the initial rules when working with GMOs (including how to leave the lab, leaving labcoat inside ad sterilising hands, then going to sinks by WCs to wash).

Voici le traduction par google, aussi pas mal...

Recommandations / Recommendations

Apprendre en faisant ! / Learn by doing!

Ne procrastinez pas, et planifiez toujours à l'avance ! / Do not procrastinate, and always plan ahead!

Faites des listes et vérifiez-les deux fois ! / Make lists and check them twice!

Mesurez deux fois et coupez une fois... / Measure twice and cut once...
