Who are we?

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Qui sommes nous ? / Who are we?

Our members reflect the diversity that is in and around the Lausanne area. / Nos membres reflètent la diversité qui existe autour de Lausanne.

Check us out, and find out what makes Hackuarium a good mix. (arrière de labo, out in back 28july21 )

Le comité / Committee

The current committee was elected during our annual general assembly meeting and duties for each person are listed below.

Since the AG 2024 we will have 8 members on the board, Dinesh, Vanya, Hanna, Olivier, Esther, Rachel, Michel, and Joel; and we will possibly go to a co-president mode this year, for more implication by all.

Their roles will be fixed during the next board meeting, 27 March.

To compare the situation before:

After the AG 2023, Board members only swapped in Tatiana for Masoud, and roles were decided at the board meeting on 12April.

  • President: Rachel
  • Vice-President & Secretary: Esther
  • (aide)Secrétaire & Lien aux Communes de l'Ouest Lausannois: Joël
  • Treasurer: Michel
  • Webmaster: Tatiana

Tout le monde est toujours le bienvenu à la prochaine réunion du comité ! Venez participer si vous le pouvez, s'il vous plaît, et surtout pour prendre l'habitude des anciennes soirées #OH ! =)


Everyone is always welcome to the next board meeting! Come join in if you can, please, and especially for getting in the habit of the old #OH evenings! =)