Main Page
Welcome to the Hackuarium community's wiki.
At Hackuarium, we want to bring biology (and biologists) to the world, and the real world back to biology. Our laboratory is an excuse to meet and discuss, build and develop ideas in a neutral, open, noncompetitive and not-for-profit environment.
This page was launched during our 1st Ever Hackuarium Wiki Sprint that took place on 7 December 2014. As you might notice quickly, it is a work-in-progress.
Scroll down and find out what this is all about!
What is DIYbio?
DIYbio (Do-It-Yourself biology) is a movement that wants to free the practice of biological research and innovation from the institutional and industrial laboratories. Pursued both by amateurs and professional biologists, DIYbio is developing low-cost and low-tech solutions to problems identified by the community.
The movement is characterised by an extremely diverse set of practices and participants. Some call themselves 'biohackers', in reference to the hacker culture. and are the portals of the international and european communities, respectively.
For more information, visit the Wikipedia page dedicated to DIYbio.
DIT Research is a more recent expansion of this concept, to encompass trans-disciplinary explorations and projects, and not only biology.
What is Hackuarium?
Hackuarium is a not-for-profit association aiming at democratizing science through public engagement.
Our laboratory in Renens (Switzerland) is open to anyone sharing the values of the association and who is dedicated to follow the DIYbio Europe ethical guidelines.
Our projects are initiated and carried out by scientists as well as non-scientists from a variety of background. They are passionate about tinkering with biology in particular, and technology in general. Some are engineers, architects, designers, IT and computer scientists or retired professionals, but others have no scientific education. They are mostly citizens interested in open and participatory research and innovation, outside the constrains of traditional institutions.
Hackuarium members want to investigate new ways of carrying out interdisciplinary research and innovation, by making their results accessible (low-cost), simple and easily reproducible (low-tech) and by promoting an open source philosophy.
Where are we?
Hackuarium is proudly using infrastructures provided by UniverCité, an unconventional innovation hub that opened in May 2014 in the IRL building in Renens. Our equipment is mostly upcycled material from institutions and industries from western Switzerland. We have documented our working environment as it has evolved.
Between December 2015 and January 2017, UniverCité regrouped our laboratory, a workshop and coworking space.
The original space was under construction work from January until June 2017 and We temporarily relocated on the first floor of the same building.
We are back on the second floor of what is now called "Ateliers de Renens", Chemin du Closed 5, 1020 Renens.
Who are we?
Renens is a hopping hub - and our members reflect the diversity that is in and around Lausanne/Renens.
Check us out, and find out what makes Hackuarium a good mix.
The current committee is composed of the following people:
- Co - President: Vanessa Lorenzo (also Art and Design coordinator)
- Co - President: Rachel Aronoff (also Citizen Science coordinator)
- Secretary: Luc Henry
- Lab Manager: Gustavo Santamaria
- Online promotion: Yann Pierson
- Treasurer: Ana Roldan
- System Administrator: Sam Sulaimanov
- Talent scout and evangelist for Academy: Anne-Laure Pittet
- Talent scout and evangelist for Entrepreneurs: Gianpaolo Rando
- Talent scout and evangelist: Daniel Hernandez
- Community happiness, Ateliers de Renens Link: Yann Heurtaux
The Agenda of the last board meeting can be found [here].
The Agenda of the next board meeting can be found here
Members and Membership
Do you have a project in mind? Do you want to just support us?
Hackuarium operates on a membership basis, even though all events are open to anyone, including non-members.
The monthly membership fee is 20 CHF. It gives 24/7 access to the lab.
Please ask a member of the board if you want to join, and follow the directions below.
Want to join?
- We have a new form on the website, to fast-track joining the community, if you are keen, perhaps after a few #OpenHackuarium experiences (every Wednesday evening is open to the public).
- We will help you with some helpful info here: I'm new page
- Write an email to and give us a short description of:
- yourself, your interests, your background
- what you would like to learn or do at Hackuarium
- Tell us everything !! ;)
Friends of Hackuarium
OpenHackuarium: Every Wednesday, 19:00-22:00
Our lab and space are open to the public. Please come and have a chat! And if you have any questions get in touch!
Upcoming Hackuarium Events
- 2017.10.04 Wednesday 18:30-20:30: Board Meeting
- 2017.09.27 Wednesday 19:30-22:30: Making a Film for Crowdfunding
or follow our google calendar
Other Upcoming Events at UniverCité
Other Upcoming Events
Past Hackuarium Events
You can find the complete list of our past events here.
Here, you will find the projects going on in the Hackuarium.
Active Projects
- The P1 project
- BeerDeCoded
- Living Instruments
- Micro to Macro Water Pollution - with Hammerdirt and BIO-DESIGN for the REAL WORLD
- Spectro-pointer
- Darty_Monkeys
- Octanis - with more information about their Rover / Balloon here
- Grow&Mix_Bioink
- unmapping
- AGiR! for genomic integrity
- Moss Menageries with AGiR!
- Open Source Bioreactor
- Steady state bioreactor
- Workshop Bioprinter
- Colab Biomaterials
Archived Projects
- Hacktion challenges
- Open-Food-DNA
- Bience (Beer and Science!)
- Mycelium Structures
- Live Type
- LivingLab Design
- Bioluminescence
- Quantitative Anthropology
- Impression 3D
- Projects:Dépollution des stands de tirs Suisses
- Incubateur bon marché
- Space Seed
- Reception d'images satellites
- Edible wall
- Compost Bacteria
- Protein purification systems
Practical Information
Following this link you will find a general plan of Hackuarium.
Following this link, you will find the plan of Hackuarium with the position of equipment.
Rules at Hackuarium
This page describe the code of conduct for Hackuarium members.
Create an Event!
Wiki express for EVENT organisation:
- Want to organise an event with particulars/companies/universities/your grandpapa and mama????
Talk to Christophe Rouiller to check if the space is free
Talk ALSO to Yann Pierson our 'online promotion' specialist, who will make sure the announcements are made on all the social media outlets for Hackuarium!
Talk to the community, to spread the word (not for permission) —> slack UC Events (best) and/or board channel (cool), or also
Go for it!
- Is it a WORKSHOP?? All the previous & make sure you get your logistics in order! Do you need a microgrant? Just ask!!
- Is there a SIMILAR workshop ALREADY planned? If yes, negotiate dates and: Do you target the SAME people? If yes, negotiate. If not, no problem. It maybe interesting to see what others do.
- Go for it! and spread the love for tech, science, art and design.
All the protocols that we use at Hackuarium will be found here (work in progress). They are detailed and structured so that the main focus is on applications. The idea is to give crucial information on how to apply the most common techniques of the Biology toolbox. The protocols are structured as follow:
- A scheme describing each
- A brief description of the protocol and its use
- A description of the different ways of carrying out the protocol. Ideally there should be a description of a commercial kit and a DIY kit.
- A description of the safety issues and best practice
- Information specific to Hackuarium and where to find the components, tools and reagents.
Instruments available
This page describes all the instruments available at Hackuarium (work in progress..), their location and how to use them.
Up-to-date list of instruments we still need
This on-line document contains all the instruments, tools and consumables we are looking for. Our standard donation contract (French) Contrat_de_donation. If your organisation happen to discard a piece of equipment we are (or may be) looking for, contact us!
Where we shop
Consumables can be purchased from Huber Lab.
Swiss-based Smiples has a very extensive listing of second hand laboratory and technical items. These can be bought from their online shop or from Ricardo.
Options for electronic parts
- Ebay (international)
- AliExpress (China)
- Adafruit (UK)
- Seeedstudio (China)
- Tmart (Hong Kong)
- Rasberry pi shop (Switzerland)
- Distrelec (Switzerland)
How to built a new project page on our Wiki
If you want to start or edit a project page on Hackuarium's wiki, please follow these instructions.
Library and ReadingList
The DIY biology / Biohacking movement
And a much more complete list by Massimiliano Simons, KU Leuven:
Open Hardware
Open Source
Visual Identity
- Logo
- Our poster in pdf ready to print
- Working on a footage for videos (comming soon)
Media and Press
- 2016.09.27 - Hackuarium is mentioned in a paper by Celia Luterbacher on citizen science: Citizen science: Not a scientist? Not a problem
- 2016.09.18 - Luc Henry, co-founder of Hackuarium, is interviewed in this podcast on citizen science: Science for non-scientists
Do you want to contribute to making Hackuarium a diverse and lively community? Check out our wanted lists:
- Skills
- Ideas
- Equipment
- Consumables