20180118 Board Meeting

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Agenda of the Board Meeting

Date: Thursday, January 18th, 19.00-21.00pm
Place: UniverCité, 3rd floor "Salle Tournesol" meeting room

Everyone is again invited to this Board Meeting, as these are such exciting times!


  • Rachel


  • Luc
  • Gustavo
  • Gianpaolo
  • Eric (visiting member)


  • Vanessa
  • Yann P
  • Sam
  • Anne-Laure
  • Daniel


  • Yann H.

Hello Board

(Rachel, 1 min)

Public minutes

(Luc, 1 min)

Get ok from all board members to upload minutes on wiki (or else discuss alternative below)

QUESTION: Are there any objections?

  • No

Time keeping
No need. It will be efficient!


Point 1: Accounting 2017

(Luc, 5min)

  • Reminder that the treasurer needs ALL receipts for transactions. Alternatively, an invoice can be produced (but no need for both).
  • Summary of 2017 finances and how they will be presented at the General Assembly.

QUESTION: does the board validate the reporting as it is, and let Luc present, and the "vérificateurs de comptes" report?

  • Yes

Point 2: General Assembly 2018

(Luc, 5min)

  • Reminder of the role of the General Assembly
  • Please prepare your speech for re-election or find a replacement (ideally).

QUESTION: what specifically do we want to present/discuss this year?

  • Renouvellement du board
  • Acceptation des comptes 2017
  • Révision des status
  • Presentation des relations UC/Inartis
  • Future activités
  • Fin
  • Q&A -

(possible ones to decide on- future activities, community building, infrastructure)

QUESTION: do we want to evaluate the statutes of the association? (for??) ANSWER: Yes, with changes if needed

  • We discuss at the the next board meeting. Please read the statutes again so we can discuss at the next board meeting.

Point 3: Crowdfunding

(Rachel, 2min)

Perk wrapup

Please see the the latest list... most is done
Thanks, stickers, chocs, one T-shirt, several Tote bags and letters sent. (highlighted in yellow - 36 done)
Even people who wanted no special perk, got special thank you

Tasks ahead

  • LucP to follow up on workshop and find out if 500 from Clément Bordier is for Spectrophotometer project (or, if not, for which)
  • LucH to follow up on member things (T-shirt or Tote), card access, etc. (to note: Vanessa, Océane, and Eloïse - donation by Sylvain Piguet - all got their T-shirts on 10jan18)
  • Dan to follow up on his workshop, 2nd person interested
  • Gianpaolo to make special note for Beerdecoded sponsors, and follow up for use (acquisition of nanopore seq? - below)
  • Rachel to follow up for her workshop people (already ordered deluxe foldscope kits for the DIY micro)

all workshop attendees still need to be given chocs and stickers... for each workshop organiser to do
all workshop organisers should make sure to remember that they can tell them to bring a friend, to 'do it together'

Workshop Schedule

Rachel makes sure workshop organisers coordinate dates, so we don't clash with more than one workshop per day?
She will contact them and propose the following dates: 10 Feb, 17 March and/or 31 March.

  • Olivier - BeeMoS visit
  • Luc P - spectrophotometer workshop fixed for 5 May
  • Dan

(any others?)

  • Octanis mentioned they would like to run a series of workshop. Luc: maybe can contact them after the exams.

Point 4: UC coordination/space/agreement

(Rachel, 1min)

No second meeting of Ateliers members occured.

QUESTION: Does the board agree that we should discuss with Benoît and Juliette, clarify needs/hopes and space...

  • We (WHO? LucP asked in particular) would like to have some extra space outside of the lab (2 desks, a shelf, and file cabinet would be excellent...)
  • Also specific needs from new member, Eric, for mushroom growth
  • Hackuarium also seem to have lost all social space on the second floor. Discuss how big events can be organised, especially once MC has started again. Juliette says all ok to reserve even every Weds night upstairs to RA, but head of MC told others not to count on eating upstairs at lunchtime...

The following points should NOT be discussed

  • We do not absolutely need extra space outside of the lab (2 desks, a shelf, ...) for the general activities of the association. (even if promised...)
  • Also specific needs from new member, Eric, for mushroom growth, should be personally organised.

The following points should be discussed

  • Hackuarium needs social space for events. Discuss how big events can be organised, especially once MC has started again.
  • Is it ok to reserve even every Weds night upstairs?
  • Is access to 3rd floor part of Hackuarium membership?

QUESTION: Does anyone else have other specific questions?

Point 5: Future Event Proposals/Scheduling

(Rachel, 10min)

Already planned

QUESTION: Luc requests 100.- minigrant for apéro
Answer: Yes

QUESTION: Who is in charge? Program, advertisement, apéro, etc.
NAME Vanessa + Rachel

Luc: I can draft agenda, send an email to all members tomorrow with pizza choice (January 19th), and collect content with deadline for agenda points on 26th January. We then validate all at the next board meeting so I can send an invitation to all members on that day.

  • "Phagetherapy" presentation for grand public (for an #OH in March, most likely the 28th. Grégory Resch, UNIL, has agreed to be main speaker)

Rachel is organising the program, and will put out an advertisement for the grand public
QUESTION: who can help?
Answer: Gustavo helps with apéro
QUESTION: Rachel requests 150.- minigrant for apéro and advertising
Answer: Yes

The following events could be planned

  • Workshop on spectrophotometer
 Similar to the crowdfunding (but less fancy ;): you will learn everything in order to create a  similar project
 Advertisement with fixme / makerspace / octanis
 Price: Hackuarium / Octanis / Fixme / Makerscape : 50 CHF
 Other: 100 CHF. Juliette could advertise this workshop also to the Swiss Enginneer group
 In charge: Océane, Florian and LucP
 Need to decide if OK for the committee and the preferred date

QUESTIONS: 2018.03.10 or 2018.04.21?
ANSWERS: 2018.03.10

Who is in charge? Program, advertisement, apéro, etc.
No one decided tonight... but there is a general feeling that it would be a good idea to make an event for this occasion

  • Special #OH for recruiting ? Feb/March?

Who is in charge? Program, advertisement, apéro, etc.
NAME Dan? (at least as advisor, as he did this last year
Comment: Luc: Why not take the opportunity of the 200 weeks of Hackuarium to kill two birds with one stone?
Answer: RA: May is possibly a bit late for students to plan their internships etc... I think we should make a big deal of 200 weeks without extra strings attached, too...

  • another meeting with the Swiss Engineer group?

Rachel to organise

  • Wikipedia Hackathon (two days, Tuesday eve at EPFL with Octanis, Weds eve at Hackuarium. if yes, when?)

Who is in charge? Program, advertisement, apéro, etc.
NAME: Rachel contact Octanis (Franziska) and tells her Luc takes responsibility to coordinate with her and Wikipedia hackathon with support of Wikimedia Suisse.

  • Hackuarium Wiki Hackathon (a Saturday soon?)

on hold - but all projects should update their wiki pages in general

  • Hackuarium Lab Cleanup

Planned for 7 feb (a Weds eve)
Rachel makes a wiki page + advertises on Slack and Luc sends info in the email. QUESTION: Rachel requests 100.- minigrant for apéro

  • Leman Make, 29-30sept

Who wants to take the lead on organising Hackuarium participation?
On hold, but keen interest...

Point 6: Next Meetings

The next board meetings are scheduled for 8 Feb, and 29 Mar.

The next meetings will be scheduled after the General Assembly meeting.

Point 7: BeerDeCoded 2018

(Gianpaolo, 5min)

  • This year we will work on a protocol to generate data in 24h instead of months.
  • The major requirement is the access to a 1000$ USB DNA sequencer (Oxford Nanopore).
  • Two backers contributed 500 CHF each for BeerDeCoded.

QUESTION: Does the board agree that BeerDeCoded can acquire the sequencer?

  • Yes

However, Rachel noted that she has strong reservations, given a critical document Gianpaolo recently shared... Apparently, there are big problems with calibration of the technology, so that something which might be predicted to cost one amount actually ends up costing almost 10x more. Still, she agreed that it is up to the BeerDeCoded team to decide, and that the tests could be interesting. Gianpaolo agreed to her stipulation that the wiki should be kept much more up to date as these experiments progress.

Point 8: Divers

Démission de Yann Pierson du board
Need new person to be in charge of communication (brought up by Gustavo earlier in meeting)

Relationship with UC and Ateliers is still a big question, and RA is tasked with talking more with Juliette and Benoît etc...

Anything else? wish lists for laboratory equipment for the next meeting...